The competition effect In Sweden, a 4 operator market, 4G smartphone volume caps doubled (for same prices)
April 2015
Northern Europeans get 50 times more gigabyte allowance on mass affordable tariff plans than consumers in non-competitive EU member states such as Greece
- The four mobile network operators in Sweden (TeliaSonera, Tele2, Telenor and Hutchison Three) more than doubled the volume caps of their smartphone plans for the same price (or conversely halved the GB price)
- Hutchison Three is no longer the challenger in Sweden
- Following the footsteps of the ultra competitive Finnish mobile market, consumers in Sweden can now buy smartphone plans with 40, 50 or even 100 gigabytes (hotspot tethering included)
- The price of mobile internet access gigabytes in Sweden is now as low as 0.37
- In Finland TeliaSonera sells a 50 gigabyte 4G smartphone plan with unlimited minutes & SMS for 30. Additional gigabytes cost 0.2
- Tele2 in Sweden sells a 4G smartphone plan (unlimited minutes & SMS) with 20 gigabytes for 33 and 100 gigabytes for 60
- To put that in perspective Vodafone in Greece recently launched a marketing campaign to promote their Red 2GB 4G SIM-only bargain for 58. A Red 4G plan with 6GB will set Greek consumers back 96!
- Why are mobile internet access gigabytes 25 - 50 times more expensive in Greece than in Sweden or Finland?
- Vodafone in Greece zero-rates (gives away unlimited gigabytes at 0 per GB) its Mobile TV service while it charges 9.4 per gigabyte for open (neutral) mobile internet access!
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