Contrary to CMA’s current speculative view – the entry of a new 4th MNO – is the only effective remedy for the Vodafone / Three merger. The CMA Chief Executive, Alex Chisholm, categorically stated in the open letter he wrote to the European Commission during the 2016 investigation of the 4 to 3 Three / O2 merger in the UK that “Absent of a new 4th MNO entry the only option available to the Commission is prohibition.”.
While monthly prices are several times higher in more concentrated mobile markets – statistically significant correlations with confidence intervals as high as 99.99% – network performance and average download speed are NOT higher in more concentrated mobile markets.
if the merger is approved without the upfront creation of a new 4th mobile network operator. Consumers in the UK could see their monthly bills rise by 26% to 51% in average. Those that subscribe to mobile plans with large or unlimited data could see their monthly cost double after the expiration of their current contracts.
The Greek mobile market where only 3 mobile network operators (3-MNOs) are present, was once again, ranked as the most expensive mobile market in EU and as one of the most expensive markets in the world. Even after excluding the mobile telephony tax Greek minimum monthly prices of smartphone plans with 1, 3 or 5 gigabytes were the highest in EU. And while telecom regulators in EU’s remaining 3-MNO tight oligopoly markets are taking steps to remedy effective competition – see recent 4th MNO entry in Portugal and ANACOM’s social tariff (30 gigabytes for 6 EUR) decision – the Greek telecom regulator EETT is in denial and has done little to remedy the apparent market failures in Greece.
Even after excluding the mobile telephony tax Greek prices – of smartphone plans with 1, 2 or 3 gigabytes – were the highest in EU. For 4 gigabytes Greek prices were the most expensive among 51 European, American, Asia Pacific, Middle East and African countries. Greek consumers pay 5 to 6 times more per month than French consumers to buy smartphone plans with, 1, 2, 3 or 4 gigabytes!