The share of smartphone and mobile/wireless broadband plans with unlimited data volume continues to grow, gigabyte allowances of finite data volume plans continue to grow – but overall monthly prices continue to fall.
The introduction of 5G has supercharged the transition to a basically unlimited everything model. But despite all the more-for-more buzz gigabyte allowances continue to grow while monthly prices continue to fall.
What is wrong with competition in the Canadian, Japanese and US markets? Gigabyte prices in 4-MNO markets continue to fall faster than in 3-MNO markets.
With special focus on US prices ahead of the planned 4 to 3 consolidation. How many 4G gigabytes €5, €10, €15, €20, €25, €30, €40, €50, €60, €70 and €80 could buy in EU and OECD markets on smartphone and data-only plans.
A study of 80 European, US, Japanese, Korean, Australian and New Zealand mobile operators. Topical for operators contemplating fixed-to-mobile broadband substitution ahead of upcoming 700, 1400 (SDL), 2300, 3400-3800 MHz spectrum auctions.